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B1A4 Reality Show “Hello Baby”

ANNYEONG!!! Uwah! I'm sooo glad to be able to freely take my time today and catch up on things!

Finally! We have submitted our final draft of our thesis book yesterday though I guess I still have to polish it more and improve it. It was too thick and I want to omit some contents to make it a little bit thinner. Hihi. But anyways! I won't bore you about the details! It's time to catch up on B1A4!!! Sooo expect a lot of posts from me today! Haha!

Hahaha! It seems that most of the things I'm writing is about B1A4! Yep! You noticed it right! It's because I love them!! For the past week, I haven't blogged much about their recent activities because I was too busy! But today I have the time! We have a very long weekend (we're free till Tuesday) then after that we will become so much busier than before! Time to sketch and do the floor plans! Kuuuh!

Part 1 is about B1A4's new reality/variety show Hello Baby!! You might think that I wasn't watching this super adorable show but I was and I still am! My short thoughts are below. XD

1st Episode.

After watching the first episode the moment the subbed version was out, I really got worried if they'll do well or not. Even though I really love them, I'm not sure if the first episode went well. The news said it was. But for me, it lacked something. I didn't find myself laughing all over the place. It worried me, especially Channie. It was kind of awkward watching him. The babies are cute, especially Hyunwoo! Kyaaa, he's so adorable! I wanna pinch his cheeks!! But Eunsol was kind of an introvert kid and that's one thing that kind of worried me also.

2nd Episode.

It got all better! In fairness! They really got into the show showing their dorkiness. I really loved the scrubbing part of Jinyoung, CNU and Channie. HAHAHA! It was really funny!! When Channie did his "professional sports massage", I laughed really hard! I got worried over this kid for nothing! lol! And the rolling backwards thing, ghad! Hilarious to death! But then they got into trouble again. Eunsol's heart has been drifting a lot farther. Huhu. Hang in there appas! Plus, the thing that got me to really anticipate the next episode was Hyunwoo and Jinyoung appa's kiss!! But it wasn't shown in ep 3. Disappointed me. :(

3rd Episode.

Ihihi! The 3rd episode was really cute! They tried so hard to open Eunsol's heart! Cutie appa's! And Baro really did a great job!! As expected to a guy who raised his cousins. But when I learned that Eunsol's favourite appa is Jinyoung, omo! My rage face. Hahaha! Just kidding! But I was really thinking "Hmm, this little lady is trying to snatch my hubby." HAHAHA! Hmm, it was kind of stupid feeling threatened by a little kid. Maybe I'll try being her mommy instead. Ahihi.

4th Episode.

The 4th episode was shown yesterday and I'm gonna watch the raw version later. Excited to watch it with subs!! Kuuuh! But since I can't wait anymore, I'll watch it even though I know that I won't be able to understand all the things they're saying. Gotta go with the feels. XD


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